Thursday, October 30, 2008

08 reasons Barack Obama will win next Tuesday

hmmmm I'd rather think of a few reasons he will lose:

1) Who is this guy? the cool calm collected guy we see or the guy that has nothing but radical associations.

2) he is for the middle class. but when Joe the plumber asks a question, the next day he laughs at him in disdain. Maybe Joe is "one of "those" bitter people that cling to their guns and their God."

3)he is giving a tax cut to everybody under $250k, no wait that's $200k, no Biden now says $150k...didn't Clinton promise the same thing and then pass the biggest tax increase in history?

4)He is for change and transparency, but when you disagree with him or ask a solid question you are cut off or investigated and trashed by the media and his campaign

5) his wife creeps me out with that "America is a mean country"

6) he creeps me out with that "rightous wind" and "we are the one we have been waiting for"

7)is there something he has done on his own other then blow all that grant money with Ayers? or voted present on every major bill there was?

8)it just seems like we don't know this guy at all. and if i don't vote for him, i'm stupid, angry, or racist.

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