Saturday, November 29, 2008

Irrational Obama Exuberance

For the first time in a long time, Americans are happy about their political leaders. Three reasons why Obamania isn’t just completely ridiculous.
t's bizarro world in America post-election—we feel hopeful about our politics and fearful about the markets.

It's the opposite of what we've come accustomed to in recent years, times when if the economy's grooving than all other factors fade away—even war itself—or as it was ten years ago, when the internet bubble happily distracted us from the Monica-mess.

But right now we're enjoying a bit of bliss after a 22-month build-up, and President-elect Obama is basking in approval ratings well ahead of his final vote-total. A November 25 Gallup poll showed that "between 63 percent and 67 percent of Americans have, in the weeks since Election Day, said they are confident in Barack Obama's ability to be a good president." His wisely centrist Cabinet picks have led to that broader confidence. Apparently even some McCain supporters are now thinking this historic turn of the page and change of pace might be what the nation needs to revive and re-center itself.

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