Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mark Steyn: Tea Party animals not boiling over

Our lesson today comes from the old British novelty song:

"I like A Nice Cup Of Tea in the morning

Just to start the day, you see

And at half-past-eleven

My idea of heaven

Is A Nice Cup Of Tea …"

In other cultures, tea is a soothing beverage, a respite from the cares of the world. "A Nice Cup Of Tea And A Sit-Down" is a British best-seller offering advice on tea, biscuits (that's "cookies" in American) and comfy chairs by the husband-and-wife team of "Nicey" and "Wifey," which sobriquets suggest that these are not the folks to turn to for societal insurrection.

George Orwell – the George Orwell of "Animal Farm" and "1984" – wrote a famous essay called "A Nice Cup Of Tea," all about the best way to warm the pot, and the defects of shallow cups. Is it some sort of political allegory for impending civil war set in a household torn between those who put the milk in before the tea and those who do so after? No, Orwell liked a good cuppa (as they say in England) and was eager to pass on his advice for extracting maximum satisfaction from the experience...

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