Friday, January 12, 2007

The Appeasement Media - Hugh Hewitt

Reading through the conventional, warmed-over "wisdom" of the Beltway's media elite, the pack mentality shines through. They are, as a whole, fundamentally uninterested in whether President Bush's strategic understanding of the centrality of the battle for Iraq within the war with Islamic extremism is correct. Rather, they are intent on figuring out if the Democrats can muster enough votes to cut off funding for the war in a replay of the end of Vietnam. Thus they have converted the crucial debate of our time into a sequel about domestic politics. It is a template with which they are familiar and which their limited experience equips them to discuss. I am reminded of my question to Dennis Kucinich that stumped him: Was he aware of the Quds forces? It isn't just Congressman Kucinich who has failed to do minimal homework. It is also most of the media elite.
President Bush and the serious participants in this debate know that if the United States withdraws from Iraq, both al Qaeda and radical Shia elements will quickly dominate different regions of the country, and begin to clash not only among themselves, but with Saudi Arabia, Jordon, and, of course, Israel. The serious party also knows that retreat in Iraq means an even more emboldened Iran and an even more aggressive reach for nukes by Ahmadinejad.

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