Friday, January 12, 2007

How to Get Justice for Ahmadinejad

The situation in Iran seems to be rapidly spiraling out of control. On top of everything that's taken place there since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ascended to power in 2005, consider the following events from just the past month:
* Ahmadinejad hosted a conference dedicated to denying the Holocaust that attracted the likes of David Duke and Robert Faurisson but barred a
prominent Israeli Arab scholar who dissented from their orthodoxy.
* The Tehran tyrant's top aide
claimed that Hitler himself was Jewish and that his ambivalent feelings about his Judaism informed his "treatment" of the Jews (but there was no Holocaust, of course).
* Israeli military sources apparently leaked a plan to the
Times of London that, if diplomacy fails, the IDF is prepared to drop tactical nuclear (bunker-busting) bombs on Iranian nuclear facilities in Natanz and Bushehr.
* Ahmadinejad is planning a victory tour through the Latin American countries whose leaders, including the newly elected Hugo "
Smell of Sulfur" Chavez, have "defied" the United States.
So what is to be done?

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