Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Feel Liberated - Rush Limbaugh

Just to reiterate, ladies and gentlemen: "It's going to get worse before it gets better." I'm not trying to be negative. I'm trying to prepare you here for what is coming. It is obvious from the president's press conference that his view is: "The Democrats won the election yesterday, and that means they get some of what they want, if not a lot of what they want, if not all of what they want." Specifically, here's what you can look for: You can look for there to be a minimum wage bill. The president was passionate about one thing in this press conference. He came alive when he was asked a question about: What does this mean for your immigration policy? "Yes, I think we have a better chance of getting immigration reform now with a Democrat-controlled Congress." I told you this before the election. I told you, "The reason we don't have amnesty and a guest worker program is because of the Republicans in the House." Now with Democrats running the place you're going to get it and the president's excited about it. We're going to get a guest worker program. We're going to get amnesty. It's going to be called "immigration reform," and you're going to get a minimum wage increase. The president's going to talk to these people about entitlements -- and when you sit down with Democrats to talk about entitlements, you're not talking about getting rid of them. You're talking about "reforming" them, maybe, or perhaps even new ones.

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