Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Way Out Of Iraq - Feingold

On Election Day, the American people weighed in at the ballot box: They want to get our troops out of Iraq. Voters rejected the president’s failed Iraq policy, putting Democrats in charge of Congress and responsible for setting a new direction for Iraq, and, most importantly, for our national security.
Democrats agree that we should begin redeploying troops, but some do not want to set a target deadline for the majority of troops to be withdrawn. That is a mistake. Without a target date, redeployment could drag on indefinitely. The president consistently refused to set a target date for withdrawal, and Democrats shouldn’t follow in his footsteps. Democrats should move forward with a new Iraq policy that includes a target date for the redeployment of U.S. troops so that we can refocus on defeating global terrorist networks.

Last summer dems sent a letter to Pres. Bush saying we should begin accepting our defeat by the end of 2006, oops I mean "redeployment. Now Kocinich and company want to "de-fund the war, and Feingold wants a "target date" to lose by.

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